Please pray for Alex.

the best man

Our family needs your prayers.  We have just been told by Alex’s residential treatment staff that unless his aggressive behavior significantly decreases in the next two weeks, he will have to leave.  This may mean my baby– my heart– may be sent to another facility several states away.  I will do everything in my power to make sure he stays at his current placement and near us, his family, but I need your help.

Please, if you are part of any kind of prayer chain or community, add Alex’s name to the prayer list.  Pray that his high-intensity aggression vanishes, that he remains calm and safe at all times, especially with the residential and school staff.  Pray that a higher power will influence all the decision-makers in this case and will guide the hearts and minds and hands of those who care for Alex.

And please pray that Alex will know he is not alone and all the people who love him, clinicians and teachers included, will stick by him and advocate for his well-being.  Alex needs to know his situation will change for the better if he is safe, and that the people around him believe in him even though he struggles.  No other place has been better for Alex than where he is now and we still believe they can help Alex get to the point where he can come home.

If you feel so inclined, please share this message with as many people as you can.  My goal is to have at least 50,000 people sending out prayers and good thoughts by tomorrow.  Thank you, we are grateful for your help.

hannah and alex