:~) Quote for the Moment (~:

autismhomerescue11241101“You never change things by fighting the existing reality.  To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”

~Buckminster Fuller

A post on Creating Delight.

:~) Quote for the Moment (~:

autismhomerescue11241101“Through the practice of deep looking and deep listening, we become free, able to see the beauty and values in our own and others…”

~Thich Nhat Hanh

Can you see a fish in a tree?
How about the world through a child’s eyes?

:~) Quote for the Moment (~:


In any moment, we can take refuge in awareness & love. When we get lost, we need only pause, relax open to what is Here & re-arrive in the natural presence that is our true home.      ~Tara Brach

How to meditate (remember to breathe!)

:~) Quote for the Moment (~:


I have a dragon here and I’m not afraid to use it!  I’m a donkey on the edge!! 

~Donkey in “Shrek”

Lessons from my Hannie Bananie: Tell it like it is!

:~) Quote for the Moment (~:

autismhomerescue11241101Beauty is a heart that generates love and a mind that is open. 

~Thich Nhat Hanh

An open autism family love story

Lessons from my mother

:~) Quote for the Moment (~:


Freedom is instantaneous the moment we accept things as they are.

~Karen Maezen Miller

 Acknowledging the Elephant

:~) Quote for the Moment (~:

autismhomerescue11241101“From there to here, from here to there, funny things are everywhere!”

~ Dr. Suess

Click here for classic Hannah-isms!

(and stay tuned for even more!)

:~) Quote for the Moment (~:


 “Depression cannot hit a moving target.”

  ~Author Unknown

Run, Run, Run! 

Move, Move, Move!